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Oil/Acrylic Painting Class
Artworks Around Town 2200 Market Street, Wheeling, WVLessons are taught by Greg Siegwart. The cost is $12 per class.
Open Art Studio
Artworks Around Town 2200 Market Street, Wheeling, WVOpen studio for NO CHARGE! Bring your own materials, come in and create with other local artists.
Live Music at Vue 42: Gregg Molnar
Vue 42 2247 Market Street, Wheeling, WVOil/Acrylic Painting Class
Artworks Around Town 2200 Market Street, Wheeling, WVLessons are taught by Greg Siegwart. The cost is $12 per class.
Open Art Studio
Artworks Around Town 2200 Market Street, Wheeling, WVOpen studio for NO CHARGE! Bring your own materials, come in and create with other local artists.
Casa di Vino: Wine Tasting
Casa di Vino 2269 Market Street, Wheeling, WV, WVWine tasting is $10/person.
Gallery Hop: Artworks Around Town
Artworks Around Town 2200 Market Street, Wheeling, WVVisitors to Artworks Around Town in March will be treated to two exhibits in the Studio Gallery. Oglebay Institute sponsored, “Ceramics Takeover Wheeling” and James Luke’s “Images of the Cosmos” […]
Live Music at Vue 42: Daniel Welsh
Vue 42 2247 Market Street, Wheeling, WVOil/Acrylic Painting Class
Artworks Around Town 2200 Market Street, Wheeling, WVLessons are taught by Greg Siegwart. The cost is $12 per class.